日本財団 図書館

9th International Conference on Computer Applications in Shipbuilding


Official Language

The conference will be held in English.


Instructions for Abstracts

All authors are requested to submit abstracts of their proposed paper to the Secretariat of ICCAS '97. The abstract must include the title of the paper,the preferred topic,the author's name and affiliation and full address including phone and facsimile numbers and E-mail address. The main body of the abstract should not exceed 350 words. Abstracts submitted by E-mail are also encouraged.


Important Dates

Abstract Deadline:February 7,1997
Acceptance Notification:April 4,1997
Final Paper Deadline:July 11,1997


Inquiries / Mailing Address

Abstracts should be mailed to:



Conference and Exhibition information will be updated periodically on the Web.


Final Papers

Papers should not exceed 15 pages and be written in English. Papers will be reviewed before final acceptance. All important format requirements for the preparation of the camera-ready manuscript will be sent to authors. Tex style file will also be obtainable on ICCAS '97 Homepage. All contributed papers will be published in the Proceedings of ICCAS '97.


ICCAS '97 Week

Technical sessions and events are shown in the diagram.
Invited lecturers will be announced in the final program. Each session is 90 minutes with three sessions running simultaneously. Sessions will be arranged according to the subjects of papers to be presented.




The Conference Location

The Conference will be held at Pacifico Yokohama in Yokohama,30km to the south-west of Tokyo. The Pacifico Yokohama is an excellent conference facility in an old shipyard and close to the hotels, the railway station,Yokohama City Air Terminal and the city centre.


Further Information (http://www.ics-inc.co.jp/iccas97)

Details regarding scientific and social programmes,registration requirements,and travel and hotel arrangements will be published in the Second Announcement scheduled for distribution in December 1996. To receive the Second Announcement,please contact the Secretariat of ICCAS '97.
ICCAS '97 Homepage will be revised from time to time to provide the latest news and information on the Conference.



Intenational Programme Committee Chairman: Kaj Johansson,Kockums Computer Systems AB
Local Organizing Committee Chairman: Takeo Koyama, University of Tokyo



International Federation for Information Processing and the Society of Naval Architects of Japan




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